Dec 6, 2014

I Am SO Sorry for the Delay, I Was In A Bad Car Accident...

I have to deeply apologize for not blogging recently. I have had a horrible week and a half recently which prevented me from blogging. And for the picture above, I really do feel horrible about it. I may not have a boyfriend-girlfriend or whatever relationship with you all, but I do have some form of a connection which means more to me than my ego. So, once again I am sorry. This blog will explain why I haven't blogged.


I had a god awful car accident, that if it was slightly different, I would have died. I was going on a date with my boyfriend and left the steak and shake. As I went to turn left, I fish-tailed another woman and spun out into a light post. I not only totaled my car, but it crushed the driver's side, mine. What made this very scary was I did almost lose my life and everyone did think I died.  

Thankfully no one was seriously hurt expect for my PTS. (This is why I have not blogged.)


So today, I had to do 2 things:
  • I had to put in a 2 weeks notice
  • I also had to not work because I was very sore.
The 2 weeks notice was because I had no car to pay for or to go there, so I could continue to work. Thanksgiving was amazing, especially since I didn't have to work and I do hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.


I remember nothing of this days because of school and I was donating blood. I remember a lot of homework and hurting really bad at work Friday because I did not go to the doctors. I also remember blacking out donating blood for some reason so I missed lunch. Yesterday was also my last day at work.

With everything up to date, I just wanted to say sorry again and I am so excited for school to be out.


Have you ever been a serious accident, like mine, that made you lose track of time and get behind in important matters? Please post it in the comments below or post a link to a blog or video if you have already discussed this.

Thanks guys! I love you all so much and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Stay safe!

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