Dec 7, 2014

Anatomy Play?!

So today I had my boyfriend come over. ;). hehehehehe...

Nothing happened besides normal teenager kissing and video game playing. However, when he left, I realized I had to write my play that is due WEDNESDAY!

So, the rules were either 12 movements or 20 bones... 20 BONES DUUUUURRRRR!

So, I decided that our play would be a comedy spin off of Romeo and Juliet encountering 2 thugs. The couple speak like they do in the play, but refer to their body parts as bones. One thug (2) makes fun of the fact that thug (1) doesn't know his bones.

All in all, for a play written in 20 minutes, I think it is good. And I hope my teacher does too so I can make a 100.


Have you ever had to write a rap, song, or play about something dumb like bones or key words in a class? Please post your experiences in the comments below or post a link to a video or blog if you already have discussed it!

Thanks y'all and have a good evening or monday!

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