Dec 24, 2014

Christmas is Tomorrow!

Hey guys and gals! As you already know, Christmas is coming up tomorrow and things might be getting a little crazy.One of those crazy things are the increasing amount of viewers I am getting. I. officially have gotten 40+ viewers in a row for 2 days. Call me crazy, but that is amazing! 

A few other things have been going on causing some unrest, excitement and possible sadness for you viewers. When the holidays come up, I am forced not only to lose my chance to update my blog at normal times because of family, but sometimes, I don't get to blog at all. I also know that some of you either don't care or understand, but I also know that someone or all of you do and it can cause a bit of sadness, so I apologize in advance if I can't blog tomorrow.

On to happier things, because screw the sadness, we need some holly-jolly love in here yo! I had the best time yesterday with my boyfriend. Not only did he give me 3 amazing books for Christmas, but he also was able to be with me as we played games and spent time with each. I don't know if you care about the books he got me, and to be frank, they are Christmas presents, so I decided you all will get to know what they are on Christmas day.

Another pretty cool thing that happened yesterday was the second post I posted. (While I was typing that sentence I realized how stupid it sounded so good luck not getting confused. XD) It was an old story I found (Not an actual story more like a segment to something I wrote out of boredom) called Dark Days of the Kingdom. You all should go check it out if you haven't already and please give me some feedback on it. If you all like it, I can work on certain days where I post more things like that if you want.

What do you think you are getting for Christmas from Santa? Please post your guesses in the comments below or post a link to a blog/video if you have guessed already. (Remember, knowing your presents and posting isn't considered guessing ;P) 

I hope you all have a merry Christmas and are staying super calm and warm out there! Love you all so much and I can't wait to hear from you all some time soon! Thanks again!

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