Nov 5, 2014

First time for everything

This is about the closest I can describe how I feel about blogging. Not only is this my first time, but I hope this is not my last.

My name is Madison Hughey, 17 years old, and already I am an author with a book published. So, how come no one knows about me? That is simple: I never reached out to other writers like me.

I hope that anyone that reads this and follows me, as I will follow you, doesn't end up like me: slamming your head in your keyboard.

Anyone want to join me in their newbieness or want to simply help me to understand what I am doing, please send me a message. I swear I will listen, or read, any tip you have got. (Even ones sent to me dozens a times!).

Thanks guys :)

(This is the book I published, and no I didn't put this here for you to buy it, I just wanted to make a point)


  1. Madison. The best writers in the world did their best work in their teens and twenties. I am interested in reading your book. I've just written my first two blogs (I cheated. I published a couple of poems I wrote before you were born.). Don't be scared to write anything in your blog. This space is for you to share what is on your mind. Now some people use their blogs to sell themselves as great blog writers for businesses. That's not necessarily bad. But, for those of us who just need to get the words out there, a blog is a great outlet.

    1. Thanks for the support! I am blogging because I know I need to practice writing and blogging is a great way to do it. I also starting blogging just to get to know people like me or hear about their days, because sometimes people have things on their minds they want to say. Anyways, nuff said from my part, I just wanted to say thanks for taking time to talk to me and give me some encouragement! Also, I will go read your blogs and keep up to speed with you as much as possible!

  2. I, too, am a newbie. I am many years older than you, and my style is quite different. Rather than starting with a first blog, I started with two poems that I really wanted to publish. I don't know if they will appeal to you, but I would like for you to read them and give an honest review. Congratulations on your first blog.
