Dec 22, 2014

Woah O.O! So many +1's, comments, and followers... Thanks Again!!


Hey guys and gals! ( I think I will stick with that intro for now)

So, I have some very awesome news I want to talk about! However, some of it is old and some of it is new. I will start will the old and build up with the new. 

The old news that is pretty awesome is the fact that I have now 7 followers! (Of course I am following them all back too). Their names are (Not including my sister and boyfriend): +The Vault - Fallout Wiki , +Thinkerbeat , +Billy Franks  , +Anthony Palmer , +Julie Quesnel 

Another great thing that has happened not to far in the present was the increasing number of comments. (Like 2-5). It is so awesome having those people actually say something and seeing what they say. I am not saying my viewers aren't amazing, I'm just saying that hearing from you guys is awesome.

The third great thing to happen was the title of this blog. I got 9 +1's on my blog from yesterday about dinner with the family and my early Christmas present. That is most I've ever gotten and it has the most comments on it. 

Guys, that is so freaking awesome I literally don't know what to say. I know you see or read the thank you's all the time and it can get annoying, but getting this type feedback and knowing that feeling, I can finally see why people do it. So:

And, finally, for the: QUESTION OF THE DAY!
Do any of you guys out there get excited when people follow you, view your blog, or comment on your post? Please share your experiences with me in the comments below or post a link to a video or blog if you have thanked these people in the past before.

Thanks guys and stay warm! Only 3 more days until Christmas!

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