Dec 21, 2014

Dinner with My Family :D

Hey guys! Sorry I was so late, but today I will have a much shorter blog than normal. And by shorter, I mean like probably a couple of lines. I didn't have much happen today and I don't want to blog about random crap.

So, by the title, you can tell that I have had a long day. It started with me going to the store to get ingredients for then snack "Puppy Chow", a chocolate Crispix peanut butter snack. It was goooooood. After that, I had to make deviled eggs and wait for my family to come in to town from Hawaii. (My Grandfather was there and the relatives coming in were just my aunt and uncle with their kids: Isabelle and Cooper. They all live in Arkansas and I don't get to see them as often.(

So, we had a early Christmas dinner/ present time with them and boy, was it crazy. My mom, only getting about 4 hours of sleep, cooked all day as my brother and I helped out. Once they said good bye and started heading home, he left to go see his friend, Brison.

I got a beautiful jewelry box made of natural Hawaiian wood, I don't remember the name and it opens like a puzzle piece, Here are the pictures: 

Do you have a Christmas dinner with relatives that live far away? Tell me about it in the comments below or post a link to a video or blog if you have described these memories in a blog or video in the past.

Thanks guys and can't wait tell Christmas! Stay warm out there!!

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