Dec 31, 2014

New Years and Making A Resolution to Break It!

Hey guys and gals! Today, I have decided to blog about something very exiting about to happen. Something that can change your life, even for one year. Something simple for most or something very hard for just one person. That's right if you guessed or just read the title! 

New Years and the resolutions we all make only to break on January 9 of that year! Exciting. I know right? Well. besides pretending to forget all about last year and hoping to change for this year, we all try to make a wish or a goal for the new year. (Look, my brain is giving up as I  type so youknow erberdurdur gahdnwerunamrfga...)

So, for my wish or goal this year, I decided to stay and fat and write at least 4-6 books! I actually am still writing, my editor is just sick with the flu so the editing and Project: Green Life is still being delayed. Oh, well!

Speaking of the year and wishes, if you still wish for me to read a certain book or play you might like or have written, I am still taking offers until Friday f this week. If no one has an idea, I still have many books to review so don't worry.

Did you achieve your last year's goal? Please post your answers and rewards in the comments below or post a link to a blog/video if you made one already marking that victory!

Thanks guys and hope your year was a good one because this year, things might get a little crazier!


  1. According to me the new year gives us a sense of magical renewal, an opportunity to start things afresh. Also, I never believed in new year resolutions until now because I knew I won't be able to keep it but that proves to be one of my weakness as I couldn't be self motivated the entire year.

    This year, i'm changing that.

    *sends best wishes to you for the new year* :)

  2. Thank you and I hope you have a amazing year as well! I completely agree with you on the whole magical feeling in a brand new year!

  3. I hope every year bring some changes for everyone because we need to prepare our own resolutions for a change.
