Dec 20, 2014

Is It Worth It? Debate Over: Drug Money or Morality

So, today's blog will be something like a debate. And, no, it won't be over something as serious as abortion or politicians. That would just be silly...

So, today I will be asking the QUESTION OF THE DAY!  early. So, here it is: If you were in a third world country, going into a big war, would you risk the con's and problems of using drugs to fund your army or would you take the chance of less weapons and soldiers, but not having the drugs?

In my opinion, I believe any problem can be solved without the need for illegal drugs. Even if you hurt or are depressed, you can try and just survive through it. Funding a war with drug money is not only showing how it is okay to be corrupt for corrupt reason, but you also are being hypocritical as you ban it any other time. Many people went through pain and suffering without the need for drugs, so why do you think you need them?

To be frank, drugs are just the easy way through things regardless of the problems you have. Prescribed drugs, even if they are illegal, are fine however. They don't count in this discussion as some hardcore drugs are actually required to live. The illegal ones, however, shouldn't ever be used if all you are doing is funding your country or army. Dirty money for a war to kill just seems to corrupt to be used.

What do you all think?


Please post your answers in the comments below or post a blog or video link if you have discussed this already. Also, if you facts proving me wrong, without being a child about it, prove a link to the site or a clipping from a book.

Thanks guys and hope you really think this one through.

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