Jan 25, 2015

Book Review: Mythology (Tales of Love Part 1)

Hey guys and gals! Today's little book review is more of a tale review and basic summary. The reason I am doing this is, is because the book for today is actually a couple of mythological stories of romance during the time of Gods and Goddesses. So, let's get started!

The book which holds the different tales is called Mythology, written by Edith Hamilton. She actually simply translated them, but she is the author since the history of her book and how it came to be is a bit too long to explain. So, with the help of Little Brown and Company in 1942, located in New York City, New York, she had her book published.

Quick Plots for the First 3 Love Tales:

Cupid and Psyche: This tale is about a beautiful girl with so much attention, only in worship, that Venus (Aphrodite) became jealous. Venus asking Love (Cupid) to help her, demanded that Psyche marry someone very ugly. However, when she showed him a picture of her, he fell in love with her. So, in confusion or what to do, her asked Apollo for advice. Together, they schemed a plan to make Psyche go on a hill like she was dying because he would tell her dad she is to marry a winged serpent. It worked and she was, instead whisked in a field with a beautiful house where she had only his voice and her servants as company. Like, she lived alone hearing voices. So, after some time, she longed to see her sisters who were so jealous of her stuff that they planned and succeed in making Psyche break her promise with Cupid. (It was to not ever look at him). After he left her, because she looked at him and burned him with candle wax, he went home to his angry mother.
       This, of course, led her into the task of finding Venus since she had angered her and no one would help her with getting Cupid back. Venus, laughing as she was also looking Psyche, forced her into slavery making her do some pretty impossible task while starving. 1) She had and did sort the smallest seeds in a huge, mixed heap (with some ants) into groups of the same kind. (Like having red and blue balls mixed up and sorting them into groups of red and blue. 2) She had and did get some gold wool from dangerous sheep (With the help of some river reeds). 3) She had and did get liquid hate from a river into a flask with the help of an eagle. Her final and 4th task was to get Persephone's beauty in a box. When she got it, opening it with curiosity, she fell asleep. With Cupid free from Venus, he woke her, with a scold, and made the Gods force her to be immortality so Venus would have to accept and they could marry.
         The cool thing in all of this was the fact that Psyche means the soul, thus making their relationship: Love and The Soul.

Pyramus and Thisbe: It is like Romeo and Juliet with the whole forbidden love. However, this tale basically explains how the Mulberry Tree fruit went from white to red. It was their death, when they tried to meet under one of these trees, and blood that painted the berries. I really don't want to go into detail and make this too long.

Orpheus and Eurydice: When Orpheus married Eurydice, with him being one of the greatest musicians alive, the marriage was short. She got bit by a snake and died. So, Orpheus all like "Naw, I ain't livin' without her", he decided his skill in music was so great that he could win her back. Luckily, this was true! With Pluto in tears, he promised to give her back for some time as long as they left and she trailed him without him looking back to make sure to was following. Kinda like he wanted to prove if he really trusted her. Of course, he got out first and before she could get out, he looked back at her. This cause her to get sucked back in with one, last good-bye. Depressed, he lived the rest of his life alone with music until crazed Maenads killed him.

So, yeah. They almost all sucked with their inevitable death and what not. Of course, each one was a lesson or explanation as the world and morals you should keep in check all the time.

What lesson did you learn these stories and which story did you learn it from the most? Please, post your findings in the comments below or post a link to a video/blog you might have answering this question. 

Thanks peeps and I hope you can look at your relationship with a little more respect.

Jan 22, 2015


Hey guys and gals! So, yesterday evening, after being tired from homework and studying... (Okay Youtube and homework) I decided to play some Star Wars: The Old Republic.

That was a bad and awesome decision...

The reason it was great was the fact that I love Star Wars games even though I haven't watched the movies in forever. I love the Knights of the Old Republic series the most, but any Old Republic-like game works fine with me. So, anyways, what made it bad was the fact that as I was trying to complete a rather difficult mission...


Do you hate when your session times out on a game? Please post your rage in the comments below or stick a link up to your blog/video/picture of this horrible moment.

Thanks guys! I love you....

Jan 20, 2015

A Blog Update Soon To Happen

Hey guys and gals! As you all may have noticed, I haven't been blogging as much recently unless it is a review or some news and I don have a reason for it. And, no I am not being lazy. I actually have a legit reason.

I noticed that my blogs recently with kinda boring topics or have much randomness, get less views or 1+'s. So, not sulking or anything, I have decided to blog on days where things important or things I can really talk about have happened. You fell me bro?

I feel bad about it since I think, or seem, I am being lazy. But, in all reality, I just don't want to waste anyone's time with mindless bore  about my day. I, however, will not stop blogging like I normally do. I will simply not blog about boring crap and if nothing happened that day, I won't blog about it.

Do you believe that I should blog everyday regardless if it is boring or not? Please post your answers in the comments below or stick a link up if you have a blog/video answers my question.

Thanks guys! I am very glad that you all enjoyed my reviews thus far!

Jan 18, 2015

Book Review: And Then There Were None

Hey guys and gals! There are literally no words to describe my purest love for this book. I, of course, assumed how it would unfold once I was about 40 pages into the book and then, WHAM! I was surprised. I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes mystery/horror books. But, time to review it!

The book And Then There Were None was written by Agatha Christie in 1939, but was publisher again by St. Martin publishers in 2001. They are located in no other place than New York City, New York. So, with that in mind it is time for a very stripped and almost dry-ish plot so I don't spoil much.

By the title of the book, and the description on the back, you should figured that yes, all 10 people on Indian Island die. What makes their deaths so mysterious however is how they die and what piece of literature hints their deaths. With each people having to either go crazy or stay together, you learn of their terrible past and why they soon must fear their punishment for it.

The book is a mystery/horror book as people do die in mysterious ways. What makes this book mysterious, even though you can slightly guess how it will all go down, is which characters die and how everyone starts reacting to it. Basically, going from normal to insane. The horror part is the fact that their intentional feelings about everything become more and more crazed until they meet their end.

So, for my opinion as I am a professional. (Not really). I fudging called who was going to be the last one to die. I freaking knew it!!!!!! I really, however, loved this book and was surprised by the utter shock I got at the very end when you the letter that was found by one of the characters. Their letter alone made my jaw drop into my flor and all I could do was throw my book across the room and go "OMGZ WTF WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT YOU LITTLE <Enter profanities here>?!?!?!" So, yeah, I highly recommend this book.

Do you enjoy mystery books with a surprise twist ending that can leaving you speechless or enraged (In a good way)? Please post your answers in the comments below and if you have one, stick a link to your blog or video if you have answered this question already before.

Thanks guys! I also just wanted to thank you all for the support and feedback over Pride and Prejudice Volume 3 (Final). That was absolutely crazy and really did enjoy reading your comments!

Jan 17, 2015

So Busy For The Wrong Reasons XD

Hey guys and gals! Sorry about not blogging yesterday, I took a break from all of it so that I may enjoy some time with my boyfriend. Of course, that time was spent on my computer playing Don't Starve Together, which was a very fun game that has caused me to rage out so badly, that I got a huge fight with my boyfriend today.

Of course, I was also busy today with my friend Elizabeth for a while because after arguing with my boyfriend. ( I will explain what happened in a second) I need some time with her to calm down. It was nice having someone over to talk to and get a lot off my chest. Blogging is a nice way to do it, but actually getting to verbally hear someone feels better.

What the whole argument was about was not the game, but more of his mother. (A touchy yet, not, subject). It started with after he died, not listening to me, and I got a little peeved. So, me being already annoyed, I snapped at him for scolding his new puppy since half of the time it was all I heard. He, of course, popped back and said he had to annoying me further since it was his mother's dog. I went on to say her getting new was stupid since they were "so poor" and they could barely afford much, something he didn't like. We have already discussed this stuff, so when he got mad about it and implied my ignorance to his living since I'm technically rich, I lost it. We argued until he had to go saying I was making him mad.

At the end of it all, sadly, I basically blew up and my friend came over to calm me down, hence the lateness of my blog. All in all, it was a pretty bad day. So, yeah... I have been busy for the wrong reasons.

Do you think I should discuss it or just let it go? Please post your advice in the comments below or post a link to blog/video you might have answering my question.

Thanks guys! (I'm excited about this being the 51st blog posted!)

Jan 15, 2015

Finally, My Blog Quest Has Been Completed.. :')

Hey guys and gals! Today, I am very pleased to announce my pure happiness in the fact that someone answered my QUESTION OF THE DAY on my post about the ending to Pride and Prejudice! (My last post). Normally, I will have dozens of views, several 1+'s (Whatever the hell those are) and a couple of comments about my blog and how they feel about it. However, I very rarely get a answer for the question of the day and I was very excited to see it. I was also excited to see the feedback about my Pride and Prejudice post basically, well, explode!

I, like normal, feel a little sad when I don't get an answer, but it is made up by the views on I get on my content. So, when I get a comment (On anything really) I get very excited. I love hearing form you guys. I also love going back on my older post and seeing how retarded I look since I never go back and re-read my crap so there usually is a lot of typo's.

The real big reason why it excites me the most is the fact that I know I have someone out there that enjoys my content enough to read it and I don't feel so lonely. Living in my household with little respect over your dreams if they aren't involving money can make a person feel pretty left out in the world. My whole blog was a way to get myself out there and meet people like you. So, if I seem a little meeeehh about it, it is just because I feel like I have someone or many people out there that can hear me and make me feel better about what I do and enjoy.

(I am really teary eyed) Has anyone out there felt the joy of success in your blog and what you wanted to accomplish in it? Please, post your happiness (And tears) in the comments below or post a link to a video/blog you might have that talks about this joy.

Thank you so very much for this... I could not be any happier :')

Jan 14, 2015

Book Review: Pride and Prejudice Volume 3 (Final).

Hey guys and gals! OMG SO MUCH HAPPENED! Like, seriously, if you have not read this book then you really should or go watch the movie. The love and feelings of false hate really made me gasp and turn the page, demanding that the character I was surprised with should change their tone or answer to the question that they were asked. I really dislike romantic books because their plots are easy to guess, but this one really keep me going. So, without further or do, let's finish this review.

So, to start off, I will have to say the publisher, location, and author. Yeah, I know that it is annoying to skim over it, but some people may have forgotten or they skipped to see the ending to this book. The Publishing company, in 1996, printed out the 1813 book Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen. They did this New York City, New York. So, let's begin. (The summary is so long that I will put it in another paragraph).
The short summary, an obvious spoiler that should have been guessed in the very beginning of the whole review or book, is simple yet complex. The simple part 


was Elizabeth eventually had a change of hearts and decided to marry Mr. Darcy after they got over the obstacles (Mrs. Bingley's sisters, Lydia and Wickham's sex before marriage scandal and Lady Catherine's snobby view on rich marrying less rich). What makes it so complex is the people who tried to stop them and their feelings towards each other. Miss Bingley was flat out jealous over it, Lydia (Lizzy's sister) had sex before marriage with Mr. Wickham causing a huge scandal and a chance of Mr. Darcy not wanting to marry Lizzy, and Lady Catherine's view over his fondness towards her.

The book was obviously a romance over two opposing people because of their views and personalities. It had a ironic (Not really) ending where they fell in love with each other, after struggling with their opinions, and got married regardless of what others thought about it.

I loved and disliked this book for many reasons. I loved the book because they seemed so opposite that love seemed impossible for either of them. The surprising obstacles in their love is what I really liked because it kept me reading the book and staying surprised with each page turn. What I didn't like, however, was the fact that I could guess what the title meant in regards to the book and how it was going to end. Like most romantic books, you can always guess what will happened and in my opinion it makes them either very interesting or very boring. All in all, I really d recommend this book to anyone with a high reading level and interest in sweet romance.

Do you think a book should be judged over the easy guessing of the plot or the situations that lead up to the climax of the story? Please post your opinions, nicely, in the comment below or post a link to a video/blog you might have done regarding to the book Pride and Prejudice

Thanks guys! I hope you enjoyed that long-ass journey!

Jan 13, 2015

Celebrate Good Times Come On! Let's Celebrate!

Hey guys and gals! Today I have quite a bit I wanted to discuss even though it may not be interesting to you all! First things first, I am now accepting book ideas for next Sunday, so if you want a viewer for your work, please let me know.

Second of all, I may start blogging more about school for the next few days since I am starting to work on scholarships since I will be attending college in the fall. I hope I get some money, but if I don't, I won't be too upset. It would be nice to have some though.

Another thing about school that I wanted to discuss was my classes. I am doing much better than I expect and I am pretty proud of it. Being in a AP Calculus AB class, having a blog with book reviews, and balancing out college stuff is pretty difficult. I hope you all can understand why now my blogs my seem drier than normal or why my book reviews seem delayed.

Book review for Pride and Prejudice Volume 3 is tomorrow. Nuff said.

So this conclude's my blog and it is now time to explain the title of my post. I have reached almost 1,000 views for my blog, almost 12,000 views for my Google+, and 32 followers. Here are my followers below: +Dawlton Autrey , +Anthony Palmer , +The Vault - Fallout Wiki , +Julie Quesnel , +Thinkerbeat , +Kerri Boyle Samuelson , +Billy Franks , +Bhaswati Upadhyaya , +Carlos Janaway , +Ariana Butera-Grande , +Lindie Webb , +Ahmed Kanan , +lovely Johnson , +Gillian Ann , +TheBIBLEis666 (I still question his name, but to each his own.), +Jenny G , +Charlotte Wagstaff , +Cathy Ling , +Mike Wentworth , +Sylvia Sotuyo , +Lahcen Benkerkiche , +Cinem actor , +Muhammad Siddique , +Stelios Perdios , +SJB Gilmour , +Weavi , +Heavy Hooves , +Bhaswati Das , +Mark Adam Thomas , +Faith Lacroix , +kiza baric , +The Amazing Paradise Land . Like, if that isn't not enough proof that I love you all so much for the support, then I don't know what love is.

I know I normally do a question of the day, but today, I have a simple request. Support these people and what they do, if you agree with them. I just want them to feel the support that I do, since  know you all have hearts enough to listen (Read really) what I say.

Thanks guys! I hope your blog, book, videos or etc. of what you are doing is going just the way you want it to. :)

Jan 12, 2015

Wednesday, Volume 3 Review Comes Out!

Hey guys and gals! I decided to push the final volume review for Pride and Prejudice back to Wednesday so they weren't back to back. With that being said, I also had it pushed back because the final Volume has a lot of important things in it that I don't want to spoil, if I haven't already spoiled enough of it, that is causing me some serious trouble in summarizing. Sorry again for that :(.

Another thing, this Sunday I will be reviewing, on time and fully done, the book "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. I hope you all will enjoy that as my other reviews were met with positive feedback. If you all have another ideas for next Sunday please let me know by this Friday so I can see if I can do them.

Sorry, if this doesn't have my normal humor as it normally does, but I am very tired from school and blogging recently that I am having a hard time just typing. (I am also on the phone and my Boyfriend is annoying me, so I am not in a good mood.)

On a lighter note, my parents came back and got me a Coca-Cola cup from their cruise with happy stories of their time on the boat. I was pleased that they could enjoy themselves even though my father gave himself fever blisters from stress about work. Here is a picture of the cup:

Do you think that next time I do a big book review like Pride and Prejudice that I should make it on different days for certain volumes or should I do it all in one day? Please, please, PLEASE post your answers in the comments below as if I don't get a response, I will continue with the every Sunday is a volume day.

Thanks guys! I hope you all are having a better day than me and are staying warm!

Jan 11, 2015

Book Review: Pride and Prejudice Volume 2

Hey guys and gals! Today is the second volume to Pride and Prejudice and I hope you all enjoy!

Just for a quick reminder, Pride and Prejudice was written in 1813, but translated by Penguins Classics in 1994. The author was Jane Austen and the publishing company is located in New York City, New York. The summary for volume 2 is: Jane, not acting as if she has been upset my Mr. Bingley's absence, has Elizabeth gone after the party when Lizzy went to see Charlotte. For 6 weeks, she meets Lady Catherine and her daughter with Mr.Collins and his never ending pompous bragging. However, in that time period, she sees Mr.Darcy and learns much about him and his thoughts about her. Her reaction causes problems between them and others while creating a different view of the people she thought she knew.

The story is a romance, but it becomes stronger when...


Mr.Darcy confesses his feeling to her. Not only did she deny him, but when he left, she cried about it proving she didn't want to believe herself. However, towards the end, you read a letter he sent her and it explains why he is the way he is.

My opinion over the story was that I would recommend strongly even though I haven't put up the ending volume yet. (I'll either do it Monday or Wednesday.) I love how you learn more about people and how, even though Mr. Darcy is a jackass in the beginning, you can still pity him and forgive his actions when he opens up to Elizabeth. You fell for Elizabeth in the beginning but once he says his love to her, you beginning to question her actions from before and wonder if she was just in her words.

Who is excited over the books ending? Please post your anticipation in the comments below or post a link to a video/blog if you have talked about excitement over the end to this book or another one.

Thanks guys! I hope you are ready for the week, because I sure am not.

Jan 10, 2015

Oh, I'm Shopping In The Rain!

Hey guys and gals! Today, I have been up to my neck in things, I haven't the time to actually blog, read or play Star Wars: The Old Republic. -.-... But, besides my first world problems, I had a good day and was able to actually accomplish most of my goals, leaving me with more than a smile. (I lost time on the reading and writing the review..)

Today, I was able to actually go to half-price books and I bought 5 new book: The Mythology, Emma, Edgar Allen Poe stories, Lucifer's Blood, and Iron Wings. I am very excited about reading them and maybe doing some reviews over them since I know some people enjoy reading them if they are unsure of buying a book.

I also had some time to work on my embroidery with my white tee shirt. It is a PAC-Man with the ghosts chasing him. The only problem is I have is the fact I accidentally started with the wrong color string and it caused my ghost to be much darker than what I wanted. Oh, well. It is my shirt.

So, yeah... That's basically all I did...

How did you spend your Saturday? Please post your plans and if they were achieved in the comments below or post a link to a video/blog is you have made one about it.

Thanks guys! I hope you didn't get too cold or wet!

Jan 9, 2015

Hip-Hip-Hooray Ya'll It Is Friday!

Hey guys and gals! Today, is Friday so time to celebrate! If you haven't already read, I am with my grandparents and they are watching me and my younger brother for the time my parents are away, so things my come a little later than expected.

However, the review will not be late, but the volumes might not be on the same day or time as they are really long volumes and too much on a post becomes boring or they miss too much important details. Speaking of books, today is the last day for book ideas and if none come I have a few books in mind for a replacement.

So, today at school we had a quiz in two classes, AP Calculus and Anatomy, and in my English class we were finishing on the Canterbury Tales. I personally liked the books, but my class wasn't too fond of it. Oh, well. More fun and information for me.

For this weekend, I have decided that Saturday I will be going to half-price books and Michael's to do a little late Christmas shopping as I haven't yet. On Sunday is book review day and Church, so if it is a little late, it is probably because of Church or we had a late lunch.

Are you excited for the weekend? Please post why or your plans in the comments below or post a link to a blog/video if you have posted one already! 

Thanks guys and enjoy your weekend to its fullest!

Jan 8, 2015

Home With The Grandparents!

Hey guys and gals! Today, if you haven't noticed, I am blogging later than normal. No, it isn't because I forgot, but I was with my grandparents and I couldn't just run upstairs and leave them alone. I was with them and now as they are going to bed, I can blog and finally, work on some homework.

So, today my parents went on a cruise and are going to the Caribbeans for a 5 days and they are with us. They left are 4 in the morning and, without a good bye, left us for a while. I didn't mind though. I was pretty happy for them since they never get to go anywhere for a long period of time alone.

Today at school was a little sad since I a, out of my favorite classes and into new ones. It is not all that bad, but I still miss my friends. I however, do not miss the homework that came with it.

So, to sum up everything, I had a good day and hope you guys are thinking of book ideas since tomorrow is the last day. As I have said in the past, and maybe for the last time for a while, I accept books you have written or manuscripts if you want me to review them for next Sunday. This Sunday will be Volume 2 and maybe 3 if they aren't too long. If it is, I will either wait until next Sunday of I have no book ideas or I will post a second thing that same day.

If you could go on vacation for 5 days, what would you want to see or where would you want to go? Please post it in the comments below or post a link to a picture/blog/video if you have one about it.

Thanks guys! I hope you didn't freeze today with the sudden coldness and are in good health!

Jan 7, 2015

School + Tiredness = Not Good

Hey guys and gals! I had my first day at school after my break and it was alright... Except for the tiredness and the hunger. I forgot about not having food near me 24/7 and how I couldn't nap anymore. Oh well!

Just to let everyone know, I am still taking book offers for next Sunday! So, back to school crap. My day wasn't all to bad except for my B day classes were changed so much, I am not in class with my friends anymore :(. My A day stayed the same with: English IV, Anatomy, and AP Calculus AB. My B day classes are: Chemistry, Art II, and U.S. Government.

I only, thankfully, have one homework in AP Calculus which should not be too hard so yeah. As I said all in all today wasn't to bad for a day back. I just wish I didn't have the stupid headache I have.

How was your day at school? Please post your answers in the comments below or post a link to a video/blog you might have answering that question.

Thanks guys and hope you are prepared for the coldness for tomorrow!

Jan 6, 2015

Tomorrow is the Beginning of the End

Hey guys and gals! Tomorrow is my last semester of high school and I don't know how I feel about it. I am obviously exciting over not going to high school anymore, but I am also nervous of college starting. I know I will be fine, but it still has me worried.

The college I plan on attending is the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. I have had family attend there, family live near there (If 3 hours from Fayetteville from Little Rock is considered near as I live in Arlington, TX), and I was born in Arkansas. I have been accepted in SFUAD, but I can't afford it. Here is the Razorback's logo if you have never seen it before: 

But, on to other things. I am accepting new book reviews requests for next Sunday, so bring them in! I also wanted to say wow on the 119 views over my blog about different countries and what I learned from them. Guys, that is back flippin' cool and I really love all the views an support I got over it! so, to sum up everything..

It is time for the: QUESTION OF THE DAY!
How many of you are starting school tomorrow, have school, or are going to be going to school for the last semester starting tomorrow? Please post your memories, undying hate for it, or excitement in the comments below.

Thanks guys and hope you all do well! I will be praying and cheer you on from the print on the computer screen!

Jan 5, 2015

Oh Noez! School is Starting Again! D':

Hey guys and gals! I have some random information to tell you all so I hope you care! (I know you probably don't, but you still love me :D). I recently have been having some kinda bad migraines recently causing delays in my blog, so I apologize.

Also, I am going to finish Volumes 2 and 3 for Pride and Prejudice this Sunday in 2 post since
I didn't realize how long the post was going to be. I do apologize again for i being so late, but with the football, the editing and finishing up on some other projects, I had no choice.

Another amazingly boring thing I wanted to say was that school will starting for me this Wednesday, so I probably will start having more interesting things to talk about and more books to review. I am not ready for school either since it is my last year in high school. :l senioritis sucks...

The final thing I wanted to say that my parents are going on a cruise, leaving me with my grandparents.... and annoying brother... Way to make me feel grown....

What book do want me to review next Sunday? Please post your suggestions in the comments below or post a link to a blog/video/picture if you have me over a good book. I also will review any book/manuscript yo might have written if it is not too expensive.

Thanks guys! I hope you are staying warm and enjoying your last days of freedom!

Book Review: Volume One of Pride and Prejudice

Hey guys and gals! Sorry this took so long to upload, but I had to edit a lot of information so the blog wasn't too long and decided (While editing) that I will break each Volume of the book up into 3 different blogs for today and Sunday. There was also a Cowboys football game today (We won) and that distracted me for the longest time. But, with that in mind, lets get this started!

So, the publisher of Pride and Prejudice is, (as you can probably guess) Penguin Classic in 1996. The actual book was made in 1812 by Jane Austen. However, our publisher re-did it and it was redone in New York City, New York. A short summary to the book is there once was a family of 5 unwed daughters, a mother and father. The mother, at the time, wanted her daughters to be married and when she heard of a rich, single man moving in, she had to try. At first, the story appears to only follow him as one of the main characters, Mr. Bingley. However, when Jane Bennett, the oldest daughter, falls in love with him and vice versa, she tells her sister Elizabeth Bennett, the second oldest, who doesn't care for him or his friend Mr.Darcy as Mr.Darcy is very prideful. Mr. Darcy, fried s with Mr. Bingley, doesn't like her until one day she refuses to dance. At that moment, the relationships between the friends and daughters changes; some for the worse and some for the better.

The book is a romance, and greatly does it show. The love between certain characters is very sweet, but sadly easy to guess. However, the jealous characters help ease this problem, giving the story some humor and serious moments.

My opinion over the book is simple. I love the romance (which is a surprise) in this story. I love the plot so far (For volume one) and the characters with their personalities. I enjoyed the dialogue in some parts and the the character development. I, however, disliked the boring parts with Mr. Collins, the cousin and lover or Elizabeth, and how some of his of his parts felt more like filler than an actual story.

Do you enjoy romantic books or not and why? Please post your answers in the comments below or post a link to a blog/video if you have discussed this already!

So again this was super late (

Jan 3, 2015

Different Countries Surprise Me :O

Hey guys and gals! Today, I learned (It was really yesterday) that different countries have somethings about them that surprise me. The reasons I bring this up (If you understood that last sentence) is the fact that many of my viewers are not from the U.S..

Now, I'm not saying that is a bad thing, I just think it is different and surprising. Many of the people that read my blog are in Asian countries (India, Singapore, Japan). At first, I thought this was because they wanted to spam me or something, but no they actually do read my blogs on a daily basis, (If they really are spammers though, then they aren't very good at spamming)

At first, sadly, I thought they just click on it just to do it because I thought some of these countries read or spoke very little English. Yeah, that sounds pretty naive of me, but I had no idea that Singapore, for example, had English as one of their major languages spoken. (I know the U.S. isn't the only country that speaks English, but the countries that read my blog don't seem to have English as a major language).

Where are you from or where do you live? Please post your location, just a city or country is fine, in the comments below or post a link to a picture/video/blog if you have already told people!

Thanks peeps! I hope you don't think less of me now :(.... I'm scared, but I was at least honest about it!

Jan 2, 2015

The Feelz :'( De Be So Realz...

Hey guys and gals! Yesterday evening (Like at 1 in the morning), I finished watching Pewdiepie play The Walking Dead: Season 2. Omg... dem feelz though.... I had never cried so hard then when I watched this game series...

So, I don't want to spoil the ending or anything, but OMG... At first I was shocked, then when he exploded into tears. I was so sad I paused the video and cried for like 5 minutes straight. That poor little girl... Clemmy clue... D:

But, besides the tears, I really enjoyed the games. The style of the game made it feel so alive where the realistic games don't for me. I know that sounds weird, but playing many realistic games, you come to expect the tears and sadness versus the walking dead style, you don't expect it as much. I believed this to be true because if you are over-exposed to some style in games, you being to build you a emotional tolerance for them. Do you feel me or understand what I mean? (Yeah, I don't either).

What is even weirder is the fact that I am more likely to cry over a video game then I am over a movie or T.V. show. Maybe I just know the movie stuff is so acted out, I can't feel bad about watching it. 

Besides all that, today is the last day, at midnight to be precise, That I will take any more book titles. So, hurry up if you are debating or don't be afraid of any title if you are uncertain. I am a writer myself and know how hard it is to expand yourself for fear of the hate.

What makes you more emotional: A movie or game? Please post your answers in the comments below or post a link to a video/post if you have discussed this already!

Thanks guys and hope you are staying warm out there!