Nov 10, 2014

Teamwork is the WORST form of work

You ever have that class where your teacher assigns you with a group of the laziest people ever? Because, I today, had this awesome moment in my journalism class. Oh, and only one of the members, he-who-shall-not-be-named, was being lazy. Of course, his part was the most important in our group, which HE CHOSE, and yet he refused to do it.

Even after I chose to do HALF of his work, he still managed to half-ass his half. You feel me bro? 


I had a pretty swell day, despite that little problem. During my 2nd period, Economics, we had a ITT Tech speaker come in to discuss his college. However, it was more of a discussion involving the innovation of technology vs his actual school. Eh, I didn't really care much for it.

3rd period we had a sub for my Art 2 class. In there we were suppose to draw someone else's face, and 2 sketches of our hands holding something. I, of course, drew a stupid picture of my friend as a clown and my hands grasping boobies. XD. You really feel me bro?

So, my question to you: You ever have a group assignment like that or worse? Please post it in the comments below and tell me what happened, or put a link up of a post if you discussed that moment before.

Thanks errabodeee....

1 comment:

  1. Hey you seem kinda gay! Lol jk I love your blog:)
